Help Support Our Mission
1 Cor 20:9 Then the people rejoiced because they had offered so willingly, for they made their offering to the Lord with a whole heart…
Camp Croix is a non-profit camp and is part of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. Our ministries impact countless children, individuals, and families. Our goal is to continue to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and grow His kingdom here on Earth. This is made possible through the generous donations and support of individuals and area congregations. Every dollar counts and gets us closer to reaching another soul or strengthening the faith of a child of God.
Thank you for showing your support to Camp Croix and helping us spread the Good News of Jesus!
In The Mail
Send checks to:
Camp Croix
802 Maple Grove Rd
Duluth MN 55811
By Credit/Debit Card
Click the Donate Online button above to give via ACH or credit/debit card.
Amazon Wish List
Click the button below to be taken to our Amazon wish list. This is a list of needs for our youth and kids ministries THIS SUMMER. Select an item to purchase and it will be shipped right to Camp Croix and put to good use!
Thrivent Choice Dollars
Eligible clients of Thrivent can direct Choice Dollars to Camp Croix. Click the link below to be directed to the Thrivent website to find more about this donation opportunity.